Visit Edmond and VIBES win Best Partnership at 2022 RedBud Awards

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Visit Edmond and Edmond VIBES First Thursday's Art Walk was awarded Best Partnership during the Oklahoma Travel Industry Association (OTIA)  annual RedBud Awards at the Oklahoma History Center on June 14, 2022. Open to all Oklahoma tourism entities, the RedBud Awards represent the highest honor given in the Oklahoma tourism industry.

Emceed by Lt. Governor Matt Pinnell and Jenifer Reynolds, 37 awards were given in 17 categories. The awards recognize Oklahoma's top tourism attractions, events, programs and organizations for outstanding efforts to serve and promote Oklahoma's tourism industry.

"This year's RedBud Award submissions were highly competitive," said Debra Bailey, OTIA Chief Operating Officer. "With travel picking back up, each submission is an example of why Oklahoma is a perfect travel destination and we are thrilled to be honoring these entries."

Competition entries must have been produced, published, broadcast or held between January 1, 2021 and December 31, 2021. All entries were evaluated by a slate of tourism professionals on specific criteria including customer service and experience, marketing effectiveness, media relations, variety of audiences reached, value and overall creativity.

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